business technology mistakes

3 Business Technology Mistakes to Avoid

The Shift in Business Technology

Business technology is still, and arguably, will always be in a state of change. If you find yourself with customer and prospect information all over the place; as in some contacts in your phone, some on spreadsheets, some in your email system, some in your accounting system etc … you are most likely wasting a bunch of time.

This video shows you how to think about what business technology you might need to get it all together. The right technology solution for your business is so accessible these days, and once you know how to approach it, your life and business will run much smoother.

The Technology Landscape

There is a big picture which, once you know, can help you to make the right decisions towards managing your technology and information.

There are also 3 very common mistakes people make when implementing technology in their business. In this video I share them with you and once you know them, you’ll see they are pretty easy to avoid.

Don’t worry if your not a tech-head. You don’t need to be an expert, there are plenty of those who are, that you can tap into … but you do need to understand the big picture so you can assess if the solution the experts is showing you, will solve the problems. Hopefully this video helps you do just that.

Enjoy, and thanks for watching.

P.S. If you don’t have a copy all ready, grab a copy of my new book “Jumping Off the Hamster Wheel – How to build a business that lets you sleep at night” – it gives you access to all the tools and information we use to help build businesses. And the best part is you don’t need to read the whole thing to make your business better. Check it out here



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