Why you shouldn't be using Social Media

I was driving along listening to a podcast on marketing and I got so inspired by my thoughts (which were a little contrarian to what I was listening to) that I needed to record them on the spot.
It amazes me how much driving stirs my creativity. I know if ever I need to work on a problem or develop an idea, I go for a drive.
Anyway I digress. If you ever struggle with keeping up with all the new marketing technologies that come around as the hot thing to do … this video is for you. Enjoy and leave me your thoughts below.

Make it Easy to Buy…

Quick scenario survey … You are in a reasonable rush to buy a piece of material for a wall hanging at your home. You call 2 stores to check on stocks. Given the 2 store responses below, which one would you buy from? And Store 1 is 25 mins away … Store 2 is 30 mins away.

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Persistence in Sales

There is an art to being persistent. You need to know when to back off, when to follow up and what to follow up with.
My client Cheryl who runs a company focused on lead generation and client loyalty, I believe is one of the best sales people on the planet. She tells the story of how she worked for 2 yrs before landing BP as her client. 2YRS!! How many of you are working for more than 3 months to land a client.

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Sales conversion and the common forgotten secret …

When it comes to growing your sales (and profit more importantly) one of the best and most often overlooked strategies is to work on conversion rate. Conversion rate is simply the ratio of customers that buy versus those that enquire. Any gain in conversion goes directly to the bottom line. i.e grow your conversion by 15% and your profit goes up by 15%. Well pretty much …

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The logic of Risk Taking

All business owners take risks.
You had to take a risk to start a business, and as you know; the opportunity to take risks is always present and often doesn’t get any easier.
The reality is, to move your business forward you will ALWAYS need to take risks. Right now it may be that one risk that turns into your biggest opportunity.
It’s easy to sit back and look at someone else’s situation and easily see a certain risk that makes sense to take. It’s a different story when you’re the one who has to bear the risk. Emotion; particularly the emotion of fear, becomes involved in the decision.
Looking back in my life, it is the biggest risks that I’ve taken that have provided the most reward emotionally, mentally and financially. And I’m sure it’s the same for many of you. To help you move forward and approach risks with some element of logic, I’ve outlined the key stages you’ll find yourself going through. I certainly find that when you can be objective about your emotion it helps to offset some of the fear. Fear is rarely rational. That certainly doesn’t mean we should ignore it. It is a very helpful emotion. Sometimes we just need to put it in perspective.

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