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Have you ever uttered the words or had the thought “I wish I could find good people” or “why don’t my people care as much as me”?
These can be symptoms of a lack of connection with the purpose of your business …. What???
Yes it can be a little intangible and is on the ‘fluffy’ side of business, but the truth is, as humans we crave connection. Yes even you. And if your team doesn’t feel a connection to the work they are doing, their sense of care will be greatly diminished.
In this interview, Candace Wagner shares how she has brought her business purpose alive in a multitude of ways. Enjoy!
Roles and Responsibilities Made Simple
Every employee should be crystal clear about the roles they play in your organization, right? Well, why does the majority of the world rely on outdated and confusing job descriptions to convey that message? It’s a flawed system, and there is so much you can be getting from your employees when their role is communicated … Read more