The Shortest Path to More Sales

The shortest path to more sales is already sitting dormant in your business right now. Typically when we think about growing our sales, we put on our marketing hats on and think of all those prospects out there who are currently not buying from us. We think about all the marketing channels, advertising, social media, … Read more

How to Shift Your Beliefs Around Sales … and Shift Sales Results.

When it comes to the word ‘sales’ everyone’s got their thoughts around it. Most commonly the initial thought reflex when someone here’s the word is a negative one. Most people have had that experience with the pushy sales person whether it was the classic used car scenario, or the door to door energy broker or … Read more

How To Make Pressure Work For You

There is a balance point where pressure changes from positive to negative and there is also a point where pressure becomes ineffective. Knowing what these points are for you and your sales team in critical in achieving sustained levels of high performance.  

Business Lessons From Mountain Biking #2 – What is your Sales speed?

The speed at which you approach situations matters. The speed at which you manage others matters. In this short video, Business Coach Jamie Cunningham shares some mountain biking analogies and shows how your sales speed can affect your outcomes.  

3 Things That Make a Successful Salesperson

 What are the 3 things that make a good GREAT salesperson? When it comes to great salespeople there are three key things you need to pay attention to: 1. Skillset – do you have the skills necessary to make the sale?2. Activity – Are you doing the right level of activity to get the results you … Read more

How To Know When It's Time To Hire

When is the Right Time to Hire? You may have noticed you’ve been getting busier, and it would be great to have an extra person or two to take some things off your plate. But what things? How many people? Before you throw money at the problem and hire another team member into your midst, … Read more

How to Hire Top Performing Sales People

If every there was a holy grail, this would be it. If only there was a way to consistently hire top performing sales people!!
Well I’d love to say I’ve got the silver bullet for you … but I think you’d know I’d be lying. What I have got though, are some juicy tips and tricks shared from recruiting veteran Kristen Harcourt. Kristen is a senior consultant with The McQuaig Institute. The McQuaig Institute are leaders in the field of profiling and assessments with respect to recruiting. While The McQuaig Institute can and do help companies assess a variety of roles, their grass roots and expertise is with sales people.
In this interview, Kristen shares with us the ‘tells’, tricks and tips on finding, filtering and identifying top performers. The whole interview is 37 minutes long and it is packed with gems to help you find the sales people you are looking for.
Enjoy the listen. Please share your thoughts and ideas on the content of the interview below, we’d love to hear your take.
And…if you want to take this podcast on the go and have a listen later, you can! Right click the link HERE and save it to your device.

How to Hire GREAT people

WARNING! – Long BUT massively value packed post. Hiring is probably one of the most important areas for any business owner and while most may know that, it is usually a task that has the most disproportionate amount of time allocated to it. As owners we tend to focus on the things that give us more tangible immediate … Read more